TrolMaster Lighting Control Adapter T (LMA-T)

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TrolMaster’s Hydro-x system can control most of the supplemental lighting fixtures sold today. Most light manufacturers provide the ability to control their lighting systems using what known as a low-volt control. That low-volt control can take many forms and communication protocols. TrolMaster makes several types of lighting adapters (LMA units) that allow the Hydro-x to control lights using their low-volt control option. The LMA-T works specifically with the ThinkGrow LED systems to provide two channel control, which allows separate control for full spectrum and second red output levels on the ThinkGrow LEDs. The LMA-T simply connects to the lighting control ports Line 1 and Line 2 on the HCS-1. Once connected, the user can then set individual ON and OFF times and the dimming settings for the full spectrum LEDs and also for the second red LEDs. The LMA-T then is connected to the RJ type lighting control cables where each of the LEDs are connected back to the controller in a daisy-chain configuration using plug-and-play connections. One adaptor could run up to 256 ThinkGrow LEDs.



  • LED Power Indicator
  • Plug & Play

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