Hyperfan V2 Mixed Flow Fan

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The Hyperfan Series are quiet, smooth, and efficient.

Highly efficient and reliable – next Generation “Multi-Phase” EC Motors use up to half the power and produce half the heat of traditional EC and/or DC motors. This results in greatly reduced energy costs coupled with less wear, greatly increased reliability and a longer expected lifespan than any other fan it its class.

Hyper Fan is the first fan in the industry to utilize the combination of Laminar Blade Design & Stator Technology. This technology stems from modern jet engine design to create less drag and have a higher co-efficiency than the competitors fan blade designs. This is the foundation of the Hyper Fan’s® many benefits including reduced noise, more efficient operation, higher airflow and the highest static pressure performance of any fan in its class.

In addition to the “Multi-Phase” EC Motor and Laminar Blade Design & Stator Technology, Hyperfans are constructed from lightweight aluminium and use larger, superior, sealed “self-lubricating” ball bearings (as opposed to less reliable needle roller bearings). These heavy duty sealed bearings ensure smoother operation and increased longevity of the fan while permitting flexibility during installation, such as universal and offset mounting capabilities.



  • Soft start feature
  • Speed controller included
  • Reduced electricity costs

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