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LED Grow Lights
Environment Control
Monitoring & Measurement
Controlling an environment to achieve optimum plant growth requires constant monitoring of environmental parameters to ensure the right environment is maintained. This can be accomplished automatically through the use of sensors and control equipment, or directly with manual lab-grade environmental measuring apparatus. Whether you are aiming to fully automate your grow-room environment, or just to periodically check the pH of your nutrient solution, we have monitoring and measuring equipment from the leading scientific analytics manufacturers.
Hydroponics & Irrigation
Perhaps the most important feature of a plant life support system is the active delivery of water through irrigation. Additionally, an essential factor for the optimisation of plant growth is to ensure that irrigation water has the right mix of nutrients and other growth agents to ensure plants have all the resources they need for growth. Hydroponic systems deliver a mix of water and nutrients through a range of techniques. These systems can be extremely precise, high-energy setups, or low-tech, gravity driven systems. The best possible option will depend on the type of grow environment and crop variety, but regardless, all production systems will benefit from taking control over the irrigation and fertigation regime.
Fertigation & Nutrient Dosing
Pest & Water Treatment
Historically, the management of pest and disease impact to crops has been a major task for growers. One of the primary production benefits of controlled environment agriculture is the potential for reductions of pest and disease incidence, due to tight regulation of environmental parameters, which will mean the requirement for pesticide usage may be reduced to zero. This is possible for CEA systems that have low boundary permeability, but for production systems which struggle to keep the outside world out, some form of management will be required.